Monthly Archives: November 2011

10 Reasons for Skyrim Fever

Skyrim Dragon

Get ready to do battle with these fearsome creatures

With the release of Skyrim a little more than a week away, I’m filled with an overwhelming sense of excited anticipation. I’m worse than an eight-year old hopped up on Kool-Aid and Pixy Stix.

In preparation for the orgy of gaming goodness that will follow once I finally get this game in my hands, here’s my top 10 list of things I’m looking forward to in Skyrim:

  1. Character Creation – Khajiit? Redguard? Bosmer? I have no idea what I will finally decide upon, but chances are I will spend several hours simply exploring the myriad of options available in the character creation process.
  2. Dragon Slaying – When I was a little girl, I pretended I was a valiant knight who did battle with a fire-breathing dragon in order to save my beautiful kingdom. Now I get to relive my childhood. Pass the Pixy Stix!
  3. Climbing the Highest Mountain – There are 7,000 steps to reach the Throat of the World, the highest mountain in Skyrim. From those dizzying heights you’ll be able to see the land unfold below.
  4. Dragon Slaying – Did I mention I want to slay a dragon?
  5. Becoming a Sword-Wielding-Light-Footed-Battle-Mage – One of the greatest aspects of the Elder Scrolls series is that you’re not locked into a single character class. Your character can be as multi-faceted as you want.
  6. Dragon Slaying – Yes, I know I have a problem.
  7. Hoarding – If it isn’t nailed down, then it’s going with me. I’m not sure if it’s just the inner hoarder buried deep within my psyche, or the trill of accomplishment of collecting every piece of armor, weaponry, alchemic apparatus, or cutlery available in the game, but I feel very satisfied at amassing a heaping pile of stuff within the world of Tamriel.
  8. Dragon Slaying – The first step in having a problem is admitting you have a problem. See #6.
  9. Going Where the Wind Takes Me – There are many roads you can walk in the Elder Scrolls games, but Bethesda doesn’t pick your path for you. I plan on conquering every dungeon, every side quest, and seeing all of the sights and wonders before I tackle the main quest line.
  10. Dragon Slaying – Just in case I didn’t make it perfectly clear, I’m really looking forward to battling these awesome creatures.

What are you looking forward to in Skyrim? This highly anticipated game hits the shelves of retailers near you on 11-11-11. For more information, visit the Skyrim website.